Camarilla UK - Pictures

This site is moving. All new pictures will be appear at the new site

Also, I had to delete a lot of files as Tripod reduced the webspace from 50 to 20MB, meaning that a number of the links won't work. I'll endeavour to transfer them to the new site asap but please bear with me. Thank you.

Cambridge Changeling, March 2002

Cambridge C/A, March 2002

Northeast Regional 2002

Greenwich Cam/Anarch, March 2002

Berkshire Changeling, February 2002

Cambridge Changeling, February 2002

Cambridge Cam/Anarch, February 2002

Peterborough Mage, February 2002

Peterborough C/A, February 2002

Berkshire Changeling, January 2002

Cambridge Changeling, January 2002

Cambridge C/A, January 2002

Cambridge Changeling, December 2001

London C/A, December 2001

Stratford C/A, December 2001

Cambridge Cam/Anarch, October 2001

The Scottish Ball 2001
Note: you need a Yahoo! ID to see these

Berkshire Changeling, October 2001

The International Camarilla Convention 2001 in LA
Note: you need a Yahoo! ID to see these

Stratford, October 2001

Berkshire Changeling, September 2001

Cambridge Changeling, September 2001

Birmingham Mage, September 2001

London C/A, September 2001

Stratford, September 2001

Cambridge Changeling, August 2001

Cambridge C/A, August 2001

Malkavian T Party, London, August 2001

Stratford C/A, August 2001

Berkshire Changeling, July 2001

Cambridge Changeling, July 2001

Cambridge Camarilla/Anarch, July 2001

Changeling National, June 2001
Note: you need a Yahoo! ID to see these

Cambridge Changeling, June 2001

Cambridge Camarilla/Anarch, June 2001

Birmingham Camarilla/Anarch, June 2001

Changeling Game at Nicola's (unsanctioned downtime game)

The National Camarilla/Anarch Conclave 2001

Cambridge Changeling, May 2001

Cambridge Vampire, May 2001

Berkshire Changeling, April 2001

Cambridge Changeling, April 2001

Cambridge Vampire, April 2001 Warning, rude content

Birmingham Mage, April 2001

Birmingham Vampire, April 2001

Peterborough Vampire, April 2001

Berkshire Changeling, March 2001

Cambridge Changeling, March 2001

Cambridge Vampire, March 2001

Birmingham Vampire, March 2001

Birmingham Mage, March 2001

Yorkshire Regional Ball, 2000 Finally!

Canterbury, first open game, February 2001

Cambridge Vampire, February 2001

Birmingham Vampire, February 2001

Peterborough Vampire, February 2001

Berkshire Changeling, January 2001

Coventry Vampire, December 2000

Peterborough Vampire, November 2000

Stafford Vampire, November 2000

Berkshire Changeling, November 2000

Changeling National, November 2000 will take a while to load

Peterborough Vampire, October 2000

Berkshire Changeling, August 2000

Essex Elysium, August 2000

The National Conclave 2000

Berkshire Changeling, 30/01/2000

London, 08/01/2000

The Cheshire Christmas Ball, 11/12/99

The Cambridge/Essex Wedding, 04/10/99

Essex, 02/10/99

10th Elysium, 26/09/99

9th Elysium, 28/08/99

Malkavian T-Party, 21/08/99

8th Elysium, 25/07/99

Daylight Saving, 3&4/07/99

7th Elysium, 26/06/99

Portsmouth/Chichester 19/06/99

London, 12/06/99

6th Elysium, 22/05/99

National Assembly, 10/04/99

Stratford, 15/05/99 (big file)

5th Elysium, 25/04/99

Sheffield, 24/04/99

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